We got to Peru from Chile. We took a bus last monday from S. Pedro de Atacama in direction to Arica, which is in the north of Chile. Our plan was to stay one day in Arica, but as we arrived very early (around 7am) and the first impression of the place was not impressive, and also, because Arica is a beach place and we are going to the north east of Brazil next week, we decided to continue our journey in direction to Peru. We bought our ticket in Arica to Arequipa, Peru. As part of the ticket, we crossed the borders in a taxi. The taxi driver took us to Tacna, Peru, where we got our bus to Arequipa. We arrived to the city of Arequipa aprox 6 hours after.

Our first impression of Peru was good.
The day after, we have visited the "Museo de la Universidad Catolica de Santa Maria" museum, where "Juanita", the frozen body of an Inca litle girl is placed. The all history behind this finding in one of the local volcanos (Ampato) is very interesting - check it out in this wikipedia entry: Momia Juanita .

We then went back to Chivay, where we had lunch.
On the way there, we have stoped in some local traditional villages.
It's impressive the way Peruvians work on the turism. They are too agressive and sometimes anoying, when they try to sell something. This Colca tour, even though it was very interesting for the different sceneries and history, is too turisty. In the view points, there are allways local people trying to sell their handcrafts and local products. It is all made up for the tourist. People are very friendly, though.

We then rested for the next day's bus trip to Puno.
Friday, 8 am, we arrived by taxi to the bus terminal in Arequipa, which looks like an airport :)
We checked in our luggage, paid the "Terminal departure tax" and got in the "gate" to wait for our bus. The waiting room was the same kind as the lounge rooms in the airports. Nice confortable sofas, free internet, bar,...
We then proceed to our 6 hours bus trip to Puno.
Puno is a city, located in the margins of "Lago Titicaca" of "Titicaca Lake". This lake is the highest navigable lake in the world. It sits 3,812 m (12,500 ft) above sea level.
We stayed in a nice hostel. The owner gave us all the information we needed and lots of tips on what to do in the city and surroundings.

We just arrived to the island and there are plenty of little cute children. Everytime a tourist would take a picture the children come and join. Of course, after that they would ask for a contribution of normally 1 sole.
After visiting the island, we had a very nice lunch in a local restaurant. The local fish is the trout. We had it and loved it. Really tasty.
We then went back to Puno. The boat trip took another 3 hours aprox. Time to rest.
In the evening we went to a very nice dinner which included live local traditional music and dance.

Tomorrow, we'll be leaving to Cuzco where we will stay for a week.
Anyone travelling to the north east of Brasil particularly Joao Pessoa, capital of Paraiba, would do well to log on to
written and updated everyday by ex-pats living in Joao Pessoa.
It includes the best "whats on " page in the whole of Brasil hosting a range of activities and events for all ages.
It will give you a great insight into living in Brasil and what you will need to stay in Brasil. Good luck and enjoy Brasil.
Heeeeee kind,
ReplyDeleteWat leuk zeg,weer een nieuw stuk tekst met opnieuw prachtige foto's in Peru........
En...ik ben deze keer eens niet de 1ste,die een berichtje plaatst,dat is leuk!!
Jullie beleven wel ontzettend veel hoor..het is dat ik niet van reizen houdt,anders zou ik stik-jaloers zijn op jullie...
Jammer dat je nu ziek bent,hopelijk is het snel weer over en kan je weer volop genieten van alles,in elk geval:rust een beetje uit in Cuzco en maak er een heerlijke week van daar.
Liefs en dikke kussssss.........Mam.
Hey Stefien en Carlos!
ReplyDeleteHoop dat jullie het nog steeds naar je zin hebben, maar aan de verhalen te lezen valt het allemaal reuze mee!
Ik ben hier aan het werken met de nacht en ben jullie blog aan het lezen, wat de tijd wat vlugger doet gaan ;)
Dankzij jullie leuke verhalen en beschrijvingen lijkt het wel of ik zelf aan het touren ben in Zuid-Amerika :) Echt fijn!
Maak er nog een fijne reis!!!