Monday, September 22, 2008

Some Photo´s

We spent our first day in Rio de Janeiro mostly walking..... We woke up around 8am, got some nice breakfast here at the Hostel and left for some sightseeing..... First we walked by Ipanema beach, than Copacabana beach... in direction of the centre, this is really a long walk, and after lunch we decided that for the last part we would take the Metro. We arrived in the centre, were there was a big streetmarket, Rua da Alfandega.... and that is where we both bought our first :) pair of Havaianas. We didn't take too many pictures today as the weather was very cloudy, but quit warm.......


  1. Haaaaaaaa kindjes,

    Wat leukkkk,ook al foto's op jullie blog,kan zo helemaal leuk meeleven met alles wat jullie daar doen en zien.......
    Wat hebben jullie veel gelopen vandaag zeg,pfffffffff,wordt er al moe van als ik er aan denk,hihihii.
    Heb ff gekeken naar het weer in RIO,morgen wordt het zonnig,das wel lekker he???En woensdag ook!
    Nou....heel veel plezier en ENJOY AND MAKE FUN,liefs en dikke kus,

  2. CIAO!!!

    Per voi il meglio da questa esperienza di vita!

    Un abrazo Irmaos


  3. Ganda Carlos,

    desejo-vos uma grande aventura, sim que mais que uma grande viagem vais ser uma aventura para contar aos filhos e aos netos!

    Um grande abraço para ti e para a Stefien,
    de Antonio, Sonia e Daniela

  4. Well, well, well ... niiice :-)

    I'm afraid we don't get that kind of food around here (you know where ... starts with Park ...).

    I'm happy for you guys, you seem to be having a great time and there're still lots of experiences waiting for you ... ;-)

    Enjoy every minute!

